Recipe of Speedy Roti jala (net crepes)

Roti jala (net crepes). These tender and delicate Net Crepes is a must try recipe. You will love to eat it again and again and enjoy cooking it as well. These tender and delicate Roti Jala (Malaysian Net Crepes) are a must try with chicken or beef curry.

Roti jala (net crepes) I love it when you guys snap a photo and tag to show me what you've made Simply tag me @WhatToCookToday #WhatToCookToday on Instagram and I'll be sure to stop by and take a peek for real! The literal translation of roti jala is "net bread" in Malay. Since they do not look anything like bread (well, at least the ones that we're all accustomed to), calling them "net crepes" is more appropriate. You can cook Roti jala (net crepes) using 6 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Roti jala (net crepes)

  1. Prepare 125 g of farina.
  2. It's 1 of uovo.
  3. You need 125 of g latte di cocco.
  4. You need 125 g of acqua.
  5. You need 1 pizzico of sale.
  6. Prepare of Mezzo cucchiaino curcuma (facoltativo).

One might ask why go through all the trouble of making the crepes lacy? These tender and delicate Net Crepes is a must try recipe. You will love to eat it again and again and enjoy cooking it as well. With a very simple marinade for the chicken.

Roti jala (net crepes) step by step

  1. In una ciotola mischia farina, sale e curcuma. In un'altra amalgama uova, latte di cocco e acqua..
  2. Incorpora la farina al composto liquido poco alla volta sino ad ottenere una pastella liscia. Passa la pastella in un colino e falla riposare almeno 20 minuti..
  3. Metti la pastella in una bottiglietta sul cui tappo dovrai fare 3 forellini..
  4. Scalda una padella di 20cm di diametro lievemente unta e crea delle spirali concentriche su tutta la superficie, cuoci per circa 2 minuti senza girare e trasferisci in un piatto..
  5. Terminata la pastella ripiega leggermente verso l'interno 2 dei lati delle crepes e arrotola sulla lunghezza. Gustale tiepide accompagnate dal tuo curry preferito!.

It uses ingredients that you'll most likely have on hand. This vegan Roti Jala (net crepe) recipe is made with a secret egg substitute that I love to use to achieve a fluffy texture. It goes really well with a simple chickpeas Potato Curry or served as-is. Roti jala (directly translated as "net bread") is a popular Malaysian dish that is often served at parties (or "kenduri" as we call it back home). They are essentially savoury crepes which have a net like design, and are eaten with curries - my favourite way to eat them is with chicken and potato curry.

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Richard Hoover

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