Recipe of Speedy Pizza ππ
Pizza ππ. Pizza (Italian: [Λpittsa], Neapolitan: [ΛpittsΙ]) is a savory dish of Italian origin consisting of a usually round, flattened base of leavened wheat-based dough topped with tomatoes, cheese. Mira videos cortos sobre el tema #pizza en TikTok. Pizza at Home, home made pizza, delicious pizza, mazing pizza, pizza dough, tomato sauce, Make Pizza.
Order pizza online from a store near you. View our full menu, nutritional information, store locations, and more. You can have Pizza ππ using 5 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Pizza ππ
- Prepare 350 g of farina 00.
- It's 180 ml of acqua tiepida.
- Prepare 12 g of olio evo.
- You need 10 of g lievito di birra fresco.
- You need q.b of Sale fino.
Pizza ππ instructions
- Sciogliete in un bicchiere il lievito di birra fresco con l'acqua tiepida..
- Poi aggiungete la farina, l'olio extravergine d'oliva nella planetaria e aggiungete l'acqua con il lievito sciolto..
- Accendete la planetaria prima a velocitΓ minima poi aumentate pian piano. Infine aggiungete il sale..
- Lasciate riposare l'impasto minimo 30 minuti..
- Ungete la teglia con olio evo e stendete l'impasto..
- Preriscaldate il forno,condite a piacere..
- Infornate la pizza a 180° per 40 minuti (poi i minuti cambiano in base al forno).
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Richard Hoover
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